She said when the earthquake occurred, she was on a boat heading to Padang, and her phone was functioning but she couldn’t reach anyone on site.. The risk of tsunamis is still an endemic in the archipelago, said the government officer.. Fortunately, the tremblor, slightly more intense but further from the islands than that of 2010, caused no damage or loss of life. Download Glance for windows 10 32bit

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She said when the earthquake occurred, she was on a boat heading to Padang, and her phone was functioning but she couldn’t reach anyone on site.. The risk of tsunamis is still an endemic in the archipelago, said the government officer.. Fortunately, the tremblor, slightly more intense but further from the islands than that of 2010, caused no damage or loss of life. 518b7cbc7d Download Glance for windows 10 32bit

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Pembahasan Soal Stis